十大赌博正规老平台 Welcomes New Board Members

安纳波利斯, 医学博士-今日, 十大赌博正规老平台协会欢迎四位新成员加入董事会:阿斯特丽德·卡尔达斯, 亚当Gronski, 艾娃颤抖 and 斯蒂芬妮·沃恩.

“On behalf of 十大赌博正规老平台’s board of directors, I am honored to welcome Astrid, 亚当, Ava and Stephanie to our team,” said 十大赌博正规老平台 Board Chair Stephanie Meeks. “他们每个人都带来了丰富的经验和知识,帮助领导十大赌博正规老平台协会,我们与合作伙伴合作,到2030年保护30%的切萨皮克土地和水域.”

“Having been a bay person all my life, 出生在里约热内卢瓜纳巴拉湾沿岸,现在在切萨皮克湾地区生活了近30年, I am thrilled to contribute my expertise, experience and time to the 十大赌博正规老平台 and its worthy cause, so we can keep this treasured resource for generations to come,”卡尔达斯说。.

“我很荣幸和激动地加入十大赌博正规老平台协会董事会,因为它结合了我对切萨皮克湾的热情, experience in non-profits and being an entrepreneur. 我期待着与这个鼓舞人心的团队合作,共同完成公司的宏伟使命,格隆斯基说.

“我很高兴能为十大赌博正规老平台协会的使命做出贡献,保护我们当地的水道,促进平等进入海湾. 十大赌博正规老平台协会推进了切萨皮克流域的保护和恢复, which extend from New York to Virginia. These watersheds are vital to providing healthy drinking water, preserving the ecosystem and safeguarding the biodiversity of the Bay,希弗斯说。. “十大赌博正规老平台协会制作并与合作伙伴分享的数据对于制定有影响力的决策和影响战略至关重要,这些决策和战略为数百万生活在切萨皮克流域的人们保护了切萨皮克流域, 在海湾附近工作和玩耍,哆嗦继续说.

“Developing thoughtful and effective ways to improve the environmental, 切萨皮克湾流域的社会和经济可持续性是一项极其复杂的任务. 十大赌博正规老平台协会专注于使用数据驱动的解决方案和技术来推进其保护和恢复这一重要资源的使命,这给我留下了深刻的印象. I am both excited and honored to be joining the organization,” said Vaughn.



阿斯特丽德·卡尔达斯是忧思科学家联盟(UCS)社区恢复力方面的高级气候科学家。, where her work focuses on climate change adaptation and science communication, with practical policy implications for ecosystems, the economy and society – including equitable and just adaptation and resilience measures. 她在巴西里约热内卢出生并长大,并在那里开始了她作为野外生态学家的职业生涯. After moving to the United States, 她发起了一场变革,将她带到了气候变化科学和政策以及气候正义相关问题的舞台上, biodiversity and sustainability.

在加入UCS之前,Dr. 卡尔达斯是美国科学促进会的科技政策研究员, a climate change and wildlife science fellow at Defenders of 野生动物, 他是马里兰大学的研究科学家,也是里约热内卢州立大学的教授.

Caldas has advised on biodiversity projects with the Smithsonian Institution, 曾在国家社会环境综合中心的科学审查委员会任职,并在国内和国际环境中工作. 在她的空闲时间,她喜欢骑自行车,阅读和旅行-去海湾的海滩!



亚当Gronski是WETA现任企业营销和业务发展副总裁,也是PBS全国销售负责人, a national sales collaboration between WETA, PBS and other producing stations. In his twenty-plus years within public media, 格隆斯基的团队已经为公共电视系统提供了超过5亿美元的企业赞助支持.

In addition to his jobs within the PBS system, Gronski runs and manages River Crescent, a boutique real estate investment, 开发和管理公司,拥有并经营马里兰州东海岸的物业, 在其他地方. Gronski’s previous board commitments include the Doll and Toy Museum of New York, 阿灵顿, Virginia Chamber of Commerce, 和使馆系列.

A graduate of Baruch College (CUNY), 格隆斯基还拥有乔治华盛顿大学政治管理研究生院的MPA学位. 他不工作的时候, you can usually find him with his family: wife, (Marni)的儿子(Bennett)和葡萄牙水狗(Bimini)要么在他们在阿灵顿的主要住所, Virginia or their home on the shore in Easton, 马里兰.



来自巴尔的摩, 马里兰, Ava’s commitment to community, people and service was sparked early on. Profoundly affected by the clear divide among ethnic and racial groups in her city, 艾娃意识到用自己的声音为那些被有意和系统地推到边缘的人说话的力量和必要性. 作为四个孩子中最小的, her early experiences nurtured a boldness, bravery and conviction about the need for inclusion, 多样性和准入, which continue to guide her personal and professional paths.

A first-generation college graduate, Ava earned her BA and MBA from Loyola University. With more than three decades of experience, she cut her teeth at Ernst & Young, a Big Four accounting firm. Managing a diverse portfolio, Ava gained hands-on experience in forensic accounting, tax and audit — all of which she leveraged in subsequent roles in manufacturing, 建设, healthcare and not-for-profit organizations. As a senior leader in roles ranging from controller to chief financial officer, 艾娃对跨行业财务管理的要求有着独特而多样的理解,并在领导组织变革方面有着良好的记录. 现任学生保育协会(SCA)财务及行政高级总监, Ava leads financial operations, 管理三名部门经理,监督超过4500万美元的年度预算.

Personally and professionally, 艾娃继续寻找机会为她的社区服务,并支持她周围的人. Speak on It的联合创始人, 采取行动, 这是一家总部位于马里兰州的非营利组织,其明确目标是通过教育和推广来提高文化意识,以改善准入和鼓励多样性, Ava lives her values daily.

When she is away from her desk, 艾娃喜欢烹饪, performing and hanging out with her dogs, 罗曼和鲁比. 她喜欢旅行的冒险,对设计充满热情,以至于HGTV可能是她的“阿喀琉斯之踵”. As the choir director at her local church, Ava uses her positive attitude to encourage and inspire the congregation. 她发现唱诗班指挥和财务总监之间的相似之处惊人地相似. 两者都需要创新, progressive and proactive leadership, all of which keep her sharp and ready for the next challenge.



斯蒂芬妮·沃恩 is a managing supervisor in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Superfund program, overseeing the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of highly complex sites. 20多年了, Stephanie has worked actively with community members, local and state governments, 联邦伙伴机构和私营公司的目标是在可靠的科学基础上找到高效和有效的方法,以解决环境保护局第二区各地点对人类健康和环境造成的风险, 包括纽约, 新泽西, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

Stephanie has a particular interest in helping restore the region’s waterways, 它们穿过该国一些工业化程度最高、人口最稠密的地区, so that they may once again become treasured assets for the surrounding communities. 她还喜欢与各个年龄段的学生就与他们相关的环境问题进行交流,并定期在纽约和新泽西的学校发表演讲.

她持有麻省理工学院环境工程学士学位以及麻省理工学院土木与环境工程硕士学位, with a focus on hydrologic modeling. Stephanie lives with her family in New York City, where she was born and raised. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢滑雪。, 烹饪, traveling and otherwise getting out of the city as frequently as possible.
